Is America truly lost? Is the Uniparty truly the one party to rule them all (sorry LOTR on the brain today).
Perhaps. Only God knows. BUT… maybe the good Lord is showing us the path out as well!
Let me start off by clarifying. As a Christian, I know that there will not be peace on the Earth until Christ returns to rightfully take his place ruling all of the nations (no I’m not going any further into End Times Theology (Eschatology)… for now).
With such a belief I do not view politics as America’s savior. But I do believe that our leader is either a blessing or a judgment (which is Biblically accurate) on a nation. As such, loving my neighbor I wish to vote for leaders that would be a blessing. That leads me to Mr. Herrera.
(Side note if I add a random “/” it was an accident I seem to be prone to today.)
But time is short and there’s more important things to get too.
I mostly just wanted to point out that while I am not a follower of Brandon Herrera I’ve checked into his Congress race update videos. I do appreciate this last one with the results.
Yes he lost but he has truly shown that if “We the people” are willing to fight for the good candidates we can slowly take back control of our country. While the incumbent is sticking around D.C. for another term he knows his constituents largely disapprove of him and continuance down his old ruts will very likely mean this is his last term.
But that’s just for that one district.
All of us could fight this hard for the good candidates in our neighborhoods. And that my dear Americans could mean all the difference.